Saint John of the Cross Parish School Athletic Association



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Protecting Gods Children

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Cross Country





Athletic Association Board Members

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For details about the meets (incl directions and maps of race course),

please visit


Cross Country Head Coordinator: Janet Ziarno



XC and Track link: 


Click here for a "printer friendly" version of the information below on "what you should know before your first meet".



1.  Check in with whoever is taking attendance (either one of the coaches or parent with clip board.)

2. Be ready to jog the course with coaches or 8th graders. It's important you know the course and are

sufficiently warmed up before your race.

3. Be careful of your diet…the day before and the morning of your race. Stay away from fatty foods and

pop. A high carbohydrate meal is the best pre race dinner and bread, granola bars or dry

cereal is best for breakfast. Drink plenty of water the day before and get a good nights sleep.

4. On the course there will be flags to help direct you.


Left Turn


Right Turn


Straight ahead

5. The top 5 runners will be in front in the SJC starter box, their teammates stand directly behind them.

Stride out a few times while waiting to be counted (hands up). Also, several high knee jumps

are very good to do before your race. It'll keep your legs loose and your heart rate up. You

should be a little hot and sweaty just before your race if you are properly warmed up.

6. There will be two command from the STARTER. He will say "runners take your mark" and then the

gun will go off. If the gun is shot a second time, that means there was a false start and you

need to stop and they will start the race again.

7. It is very crowded coming out of the box at these meet. You need to watch your footing and be careful.

There is no shoving, pushing, tripping allowed but it happens. You need to come out of the

box quickly for the first 100meters and then settle into a more comfortable pace. Time lost at

the start of the race is very difficult to make up later.

8. Remember every person in front of you during the race is a #. Every person you pass gets you a

lower number. The lower the number the better. We add up the places of the top 5 finishers

and that's how you figure what place SJC came in. Don't get stuck in a spot, you have to always

be trying to move. Pass on the curves with a surge. Look ahead and be strong.

9. Pay attention to all the races not just your own. Cheer for all the grades, boys and girls. Know where

the best spots to cheer are and be there. Be positive and supportive of your teammates.

10. It's also very important to warm down and stretch after your race. 5th & 6th grade 5 min or a 1/2 mile

7th & 8th grade 10 minutes or 1 mile.

11. Don't leave without letting your coach know.